
Contact us

We’d love to hear from you and will be happy to answer any questions you have.
Fill out the form below and our staff will be in touch with you shortly.


    PO Box 552, PC 116,
    Mina Al Fahal, Muscat, Oman


    Please contact us via:


    T: +968 2448-7707
    F: +968 2448-5757

    Stay Connected

    The goal of OPC is to increase awareness & understanding of the many benefits of palliative care in the community and to lobby for the changes necessary to make palliative care a reality in Oman.

    If you would like to contribute please contact us directly

    We cannot change the outcome, but we can affect the journey.

    Ann Richardson

    You matter beacuse you are you, and you matter to the end of your life.

    Dame Cicely Saunders