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Latest OPC news, and press clippings from the media.
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Focus shifts to palliative care
Focus shifts to palliative care From mere medical care to patients who need life-saving medication, the focus is gradually
Let them leave with dignity
Let them leave with dignity In Oman, palliative care is still in its infancy. But a big step will
Theme announced for World Hospice and Palliative Care Day
Theme announced for World Hospice and Palliative Care Day On Saturday, October 12 2019, something extraordinary is going to
Focus shifts to palliative care
Care for terminally ill cancer patients gets boost Muscat, Sept 2 – Care for terminally ill cancer patients across
Seminar stresses need to include palliative care in healthcare systems
Seminar stresses need to include palliative care in healthcare systems MUSCAT, Aug 19 – Palliative care still remains insufficiently
Palliative Care in Oman
Palliative Care in Oman Earlier this month researchers from the Cicely Saunders Institute attended the launch of a new